Organic farming and Waste management
Organic farming and Waste management
- Plan :
Organic farming is a production system that sustains. the quality of sorts, conserve ecosystems and provide. healthy food and nutrition Organic farming Is the best option for the utilization of bradegradable soled / wet waste which conserves ecosystem and provide healthy food and nutrition
- Schedule:
The Wet Waste management demonstration 12 scheduled on 18th January 2023 at 01:00 PM Venue Girls Hostel SGBIT.
- Wet Waste Management
"Food Waste Management SGBIT"
Food waste management relates to the stages of prevention, recovery, recycling food waste disposals that Lor
- Food waste tracking & prevention
- Food banks.
- Using food as animal feed
- land fills
- Compacting
The most important stage of food waste management reducing the waste of edible food. Now tracking food waste hasnt a priority for hostel mess so the waste management machine has been installed in the campus
Process of managing warte food :
(1) Food is thrown into the designated food waste bio.
(2) The weight of the waste is logged from the scaleunder the bin, and the type of food is captured
(3) This process asrepeated over the course of the dayand has the capability to include: overproduction!! cooking errois, plate waste
(4) This data is sent to where it is (5) with this insight avarable, they make decisions can aggregatedto reduce the waste.
Some importances of food waste management:
- Food waste management saves the environment-13/1
- Food waste management saves the money
- Food waste mangement conserves energy and resource
- Food waste management is easy to practice
Objectives of waste management:
- Protection of environment and health of the population .
- To prande hygienic efficient of economic waste storagecollection without polluting atmosphere soil, or water system
- Principle of food waste management is,"Re-use, Recycling: Recovery"
Organic farming :
Organic farming can be defined as an agricultural that uses biological fertilizers and pest control acquired from animal or plant waste.
It is an agricultural system that uses compost manure, green manure & bone meal of places emphasis on echniques such as crop rotation and companion planting
Importance of organic farming
- Maintain and improve fertility. soil: stucture andbiodiversity & reduce erosion.
- Reduce the risks of human, animal & environmental exposure to toxic materials.
- Fine-tune farming practices to meet local production • conditions and satisfy local markets
Benefits :
- Reduces exposure to harmful chemicals.
- Consumes less energy
- Reduces nitrogen
- Reduces pollution
- Facilitates healthy soil formation.
- Reduces effects of Global Warming Recycles animal wastes back into the form.
- It uses fewer pesticides
- Decreases the nitrate leaching into ground water and surface water
Department of AI & DS, SGBIT. Organises Food Waste Management System
18 January 2023
As a part of social connectivity and responsibility,organised Informative session about Food Waste ManagementSysem under "Department of Artificial Intelligence andData Science inthepresence of our HOD • Dr. JayoshniRudags mam, staff members including, 1. non-teaching staff and in the presence of all the students. of the department.At 01:00 PM the session begun the resource person. -gave the information about the food waste management. And All the other benefits, importances and objectives of the food waste management system. At 2:00 PM the programme- ended with a vote of thanks
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